【新キャラ】イベントで入手、ULTRAキャラ「超一星龍」キタ―――(゚∀゚)―――― !!
#レジェンズ #ドラゴンボール pic.twitter.com/SouTUJ0fbh

— ドラゴンボール レジェンズ公式(@db_legends_jp)Wed Oct 27 01:15:24 +0000 2021
@db_legends_jp @ArtsyAegis it has arrived
@db_legends_jp Damn save charge animations but he still looks amazing
@db_legends_jp Shenron’s intro is actually sick
@db_legends_jp Does it say anything about his color to any who speak Japanese or understand it?
@db_legends_jp あのトドメの技を使わなかったのか、
@db_legends_jp Ok that’s FIRE
@db_legends_jp why is the charge animation the same as the others, bro if the blast animation/tap attack(s) are also the same legends is officially the laziest company
@db_legends_jp ULTRA”超一星龍めっちゃカッコいい!!🤣👌✨💓💓
@db_legends_jp 通常開放にしてくれ レアメダルないよ…
@db_legends_jp @ArtsyAegis SYN SHENRON DAME DA NE WORLD
@db_legends_jp The way the aura is set and everything this has to be the best art in the game
@db_legends_jp Wish they used the charge animation from Budokai tenkaichi 3
@db_legends_jp 悟空ベジータが来たから今度はフリーザ来ると思ってた
@db_legends_jp どうした?死んじゃったのか?
@db_legends_jp イラストめちゃくちゃかっこいい
@db_legends_jp @DB_LEGENDS_JPN When do you think we’ll get datamines?